wedding day The day you and your groom have been waiting for came…your wedding day. For months you have prepared for this day from the set design, flower arrangement, food caterer and your wedding outfits. You’ve spent a fortune just for the event to be perfect for you, your partner and your lovely guests. But just like any production event, a wedding mishap is inevitable and you have to be prepared for it. That includes a wardrobe malfunction disaster. To be able to smoothly deal with this on your wedding day, prepare a fashion emergency kit weeks before your wedding day.

1. Stain removing wipes. I am pretty sure that this is going to be useful. A spill of wine or salad dressing might just come in contact with your perfect white dress or your groom’s white tuxedo. Just get a sheet of stain removing wipes and slightly dab on to the material until the stain fades. If you cannot clearly see the stain, like on the neckline, ask someone to do it for you to refrain from spreading the mark.

2. Chalk and loose powder. For excess stain, use a chalk or loose powder to conceal marks. Harder to remove stains like pen ink stains can be easily covered by putting chalk mark over it. This lasts longer than applying powder.

3. Tissue paper, cotton swabs, and clean cloth. It is better to use a clean cloth in removing stains on fabrics. Use cotton and tissue for cleaning make-up smudges and cleaning other wardrobe items such as shoes or hand bag.

4. Rubbing alcohol. To remove odor from food stains, slightly dab cloth with rubbing alcohol on fabrics.

5. Sewing kit. This includes needle and thread, mini-scissors, extra buttons, snaps. Make sure you have available threads with the same colors as your gown and your groom’s three piece suit. If you do not know basic stitching, ask your bridesmaids before the wedding so you know your go-to person just in case.

6. Safety pins in various sizes. This fastens just about anything with fabric but try not to expose a side of the safety pin. Try to have it in different colors like silver, gold. Use colored nail polish to coat it in colors that matches your wardrobe.

7. Double sided fashion tape. Show only parts that you want to expose. Other than that, have a double sided tape control exposure of unwanted parts or under garment. For low neck dresses, put a double sided tape at the edge of the material and your skin as not to show excessive cleavage. You can also use this to help bra straps to stay in place, stick it to the strap of your dress. This can also be used to quickly fix hems without all the sewing.

8. Candle. Zipper problems can be solved by soap or a candle. If your dress shrunk just before your wedding day or you slightly gained weight and couldn’t fasten your zipper easily, rub a wax candle onto the sides of the zipper to help smoothly tuck it.

Knowing that you have all of these items ready would surely help lessen your worries and stress on your big day.

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